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Bug Splats And How To Fight Them

Bugs splats are a common issue for many, and because they can be hard to remove, can leave some unsatisfying results when your customers decide to get their cars cleaned.

Dried bugs can not only be tough to remove but they can interfere with your other car wash chemicals, preventing them from effectively accessing the surface of the car, and thus, the quality of your car wash.

In this blog, we'll go through in detail what bug splats are, how you can remove them both in the car wash and at home, and even how you can help prevent them.

What are bug splats?

Bug splats are unattractive spots that you see on your windshield, windows and car body. This occurs when driving and insects or other small animals are caught flying or crawling in the path of a vehicle, and make impact.

As the name suggests, these splats are usually made up of squashed bugs and their guts. Not only are they unsightly, but if left untreated, bug splats can wear on a vehicle's clear coat, and become tough stains to remove.

Ultimately, they can be a nuisance, and a hard-to-avoid consequence of driving in many areas, particularly at certain times of year when insects abound.

What are bug splats caused by? Bug encounters at speed.

When a bug hits your front bumper, windshield and car windows while you're driving, the force of the impact can unfortunately cause the bug to splatter, leaving behind bug stains.

The remains of the bug guts can then dry and bake onto your windshield and become difficult to remove. It is for this reason that you should try to clean dead bugs off your vehicle frequently.

Shiny car surface

Can Bug Stains or Bug Guts Ruin your Car's Paint?

While not necessarily harming car paint, if bug stains are not cleaned up in a timely manner, the bug residue can eat away at your car's clear coat and in extreme cases, cause permanent damage to it.

So you will want to be sure to tackle this problem in a timely manner to avoid any vehicle surface damage.

Combatting Bug Splats in a Car Wash

Without a specialized product to get the job done, even professional car washes can have a challenge tackling pesky bug stains that can stubbornly resist removal.

That's why at Turtle Wax Pro, we have created powerful Bug Removers, such as this foaming option with a fresh lemon scent. It is very flexible for use in Friction, Touchless, Self-serve and Manual applications and produces a rich, dense foam that quickly penetrates and loosens stubborn bug residue from the vehicle surface.

Plus, it's an Eco-friendly and biodegradable option that you and your customers can feel good about.

Don't let your customers be bugged about insects splats on their rides; instead utilize a powerful Turtle Wax Pro Bug Remover at your car wash for exceptional results.  

Wet car surface

How to remove bug splats from cars at home?

If you find yourself with a windshield covered in bug splats, don't despair.

While it is easiest thing to do is to take your vehicle to a professional car wash, which will have powerful products geared to cleaning bugs off your car quickly, you can remove bug splatter at home as well - but it may take some effort.    

With a little elbow grease and the right product, you can have your car looking clean in no time.

Use tools like the right type of cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth, and you're in great shape to start removing bugs from cars!

Remember, whether driving long distances or just locally, the sooner you remove dead bugs from your vehicle, the easier it will be to get your car clean.

Soap and Water

While not the strongest solution, common household items can work in a pinch to clean bug guts and your car.  Home remedies including dish soap paired with warm water or even hot water can have a great impact to remove dead bugs.

Apply soap and water with a soft cloth or microfiber towel and wipe the dead bugs away. If the weather has been hot, or these dead bugs have been on the car for a while, it may take some time and elbow grease to remove bugs from your car. You can also lay microfiber towels soaked in warm cleaning solution over stubborn stains for a few minutes before you wipe the bugs from your car, for easier removal.  

Bug Remover

While there are a number of ways to remove bug guts, and this one is more powerful than dish soap. We recommend using a product that is specially designed for the job, as it will make the job easier.

A product that is formulated to remove bugs will be gentle on your car's paint and will not cause any damage to it. For an at-home option, consider the retail product Turtle Wax's Bug and Tar Remover. It also works for Tree Sap, which we mention below.

We recommend following the manufacturer's instructions on using the bug remover to remove bugs effectively and safely.

Bug Sponge

A bug sponge can be an option for some as well, more notably, the at-home car washer to help remove dead bugs.

Bug sponges are sponges specifically designed to be used on car surfaces that have bug remains or bug splatter. Pair it with a soap or car wash product designed to clean bug splats.

How to use a Bug Sponge

  • To use a bug sponge, you can either wet the surface you want to clean using a spray bottle filled with warm water and car wash soap, or dip the sponge in a bucket with the same cleaning solution.
  • Then work the sponge on the desired areas. Sometimes stubborn stains may need to soak for a few minutes.
  • You can then wipe off the surface to remove the remaining bugs from your car with a microfiber cloth or microfiber towel.

On a related note: How to clean tree sap off of your car?

Tree sap can be just as difficult to remove as bug stains.

If you find yourself with a car covered in tree sap, and you want to solve the product at home,  we recommend using a product that is specifically designed for the job.

A product that is formulated to remove tree sap will be gentle on your car's paint and will not cause any damage to it.

Sometimes tree sap removal products also act as bug removal products as well, which makes them a useful tool in your car wash cleaning products arsenal.

For the home washer, you will want to apply the cleaner and dry it off with a microfiber cloth or towel.

Shiny car

How to prevent bug splats?

Wash Frequently, and Apply Car Wax

The biggest thing you can do as a car owner to prevent bugs on your vehicle is to clean your car regularly.

When you wash your vehicle in a timely manner, bugs will be much easier to wipe away.

Cleaning the vehicle will not only be removing bug guts on the windows or surface, but will protect the clear coat on the car paint job, and provide a glossy and "slippery" finish that may help prevent bugs from your car.  

This is especially the case for cars applied with finishing products such as a car wax.

Car wax creates a smooth surface on your vehicle which helps deflect bugs and their guts upon impact.

Car wax, such as carnauba wax, also carries numerous other benefits for vehicles.

Bug Deflector

Another way to prevent bug guts is by the use of a bug deflector.

A bug deflector is placed on the leading edge of your vehicle, such as the hood, and acts as a shield from bugs hitting your car. Bugs will hit its surface, and be deflected away from the windshield, reducing bug stains.

They are especially useful for a long road trip, those who drive in an affected area with high insect populations, or during certain seasons where bugs are more prevalent.

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Are bug splats a challenge for your car wash business? Contact Turtle Wax Pro

Bug splats can be a real challenge for many car wash businesses as some areas are more susceptible to bugs than others.

And not dealing with them appropriately can affect the rest of your wash process too, leaving you and your customers with a subpar car wash result.

It is important to recognize if bugs are a common issue for your car wash market and work with your car wash supplier on implementing changes that will help you tackle it with success.

Turtle Wax Pro: Excellence in Car Care

With over 75 years of experience in the car care industry, Turtle Wax Pro has a wealth of knowledge cleaning cars through any problem you can imagine, and that includes bugs.

We have dedicated bug removers that will help support your business in bug season, but also help prevent bug stains going forward.

So get in touch with us today if achieving a better wash is what you want for your business!

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